Paper Lotus Productions

Stolen Continent
Bomb Sharpnel
Footprint in the Snow
Manditory Mongrel
Works under progress...
About Me

Leaving so soon? *Sob*

Here are some great links of other online manga and fiction.


You may find these useful if your thinking of setting up a web comic / story of your own:
Drunk Duck - A great place for setting up a web comic as its simple to use and free. Seems to have frequent down times though but this should stop once they finish revamping the site. Unlimited age rating. Free!
Comic Genesis - Another great host of websites. I think it requires downloads and editing the layout of your site is not so simple. However, some of the best web comics use this site so give it a try if you feel like it. Unlimited age rating. Free!
Fiction Press - A good place for original internet fiction. A wide variety of genres and enough space to post a good amount of long stories. Doesn't allow you to post anything above an age rating of 16+ so the best stuff doesn't get published ^_^ Free!
Fan Fiction Net - Made by the same company listed above and has been going for many years now. Great for writting stories about your fav anime, novel ect but has the same issue with age ratings as its sister. Free!
Adult Fan - A site dedicated to tales for a more mature audience. Unlike the name suggests; not just a place for fanfiction but originals as well. Definately worth checking out.

All products (images/text) within this site are copywrited to Paper Lotus Productions and its owner. Any illegal reproduction may result in legal action.