Paper Lotus Productions

Stolen Continent
Bomb Sharpnel
Footprint in the Snow
Manditory Mongrel
Works under progress...
About Me

About Me

So... you want to know about... me?

So you want to find out a little about the person behind the manga and novels? Alright, but don't expect to leave with your sanity! Bwahahahahaha! - *Cough*

Look! A picture of me... kinda

Age: 18
Location: Southern England
Job: Student (Taking AS' in Art, English and Biology)
Hobbies: Drawing/reading/watching manga and anime, going for experditions with D of E,
Favorate Manga/Anime: Angel Sanctuary, Petshop of Horrors, Serial Experiments Lain, Slayers, Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, Princess Mononoke
Favorate Films: V for Vendetta, Interview with a Vampire, Hannible Lectar films, Friday 13th series, The Decent, Shawn of the Dead
Favorate Books: Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice, Dhampir by Barb & J.C. Hendee, Foundation Series by Isacc Azimov, Kit's Wilderness by David Almond, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Magazines I frequently read: New Scientist, The Economist, Amnesty International magazine NME
Childhood influences (what, you think I'm going over the top? Well I warned you to leave didn't I? ^_^): Dogtanian, The Moomins, Power Rangers (shudder), Adventure books (you know, turn to page 34 and all that jazz), Tank Police (I have irresponisble sisters), Buckio Hare, Harry Potter
Pet Hates: Maths, ignorant people, over hyped anime that turns out to be crap, anime guide books with shitty art and stupid politicians.

Here are some links that I like that weren't really appropriate to put anywhere else, enjoy!
Amnesty International - A global group that strives for human rights regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, location or race.
FFVII Advent Children - I watched this movie in subtitles and it is so good! The site's mostly in Japanese but its got some really cool stuff on it if you do a few educated guesses and random clicking :)

You would most likely be freinds with xelloss. you
would have loads of fun and mischief, but
mostly mischief.

What charecter from the anime slayers would be your freind
brought to you by Quizilla

Well, there you go. That's me in a nut shell. Pretty scary huh?

All products (images/text) within this site are copywrited to Paper Lotus Productions and its owner. Any illegal reproduction may result in legal action.